I am a Visual Artist working mainly within the fields of paper cutting and painting. My work concerns itself with pattern and detail, looking at the idea of ‘beauty’ and ‘ugly’ – using materials, patterns and motifs that may normally be considered purely decorative to depict more challenging subject matters.
In 2007 I graduated with a first class honours degree in Painting, winning the Royal Scottish Academy Carnegie Travelling Scholarship for Painting and the Royal Scottish Academy David Gordon Memorial Trust Award. I was named the BP Fine Art student of the year and subsequently completed a Master of Fine Art in 2010. During the course of this I started to explore the creation and installation of large scale site specific paper cut-outs which have been the main focus of my practice for the last nine years.
Recently I was commissioned by Grampian Hospitals Art Trust to work in collaboration with artist Rachel Barron to create an installation for The Suttie Arts Space, and previously I worked in collaboration with KaSt Dance Company on ‘Fragile Paper’, where I created large scale paper cut outs which were installed as part of a performance.
I have run paper cutting and painting workshops at various venues over the last twelve years. In addition to this I have recently taught drawing at Gray’s School of Art and since 2010 I have also led various art sessions in a hospital context.
Currently, I am exploring the possibility of using light and sound within my work and I am also revisiting painting once more. Using my recent research within paper cutting I hope to take painting in a new direction that is relevant to my current practice.